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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Clean Up Computer Monitor


Keep your desktop computer's screen free from dust and streaks.


Step One

Gather supplies: an anti-static rag or other soft cloth (scraps of old cotton clothing are good for this purpose), as well as an electrical appliance cleaner (such as Endust for Electronics), eyeglass cleaner, or fluid specially made for cleaning monitors.

Step Two
Check your owner's manual for specific instructions.

Step Three
Turn off the monitor.

Step Four

If using an aerosol product, follow the instructions on the can. Otherwise, spray a small amount of fluid onto the rag. Don't spray fluids anywhere near the ventilation holes on the monitor.

Step Five

Wipe the entire screen.

Step Six

Wipe the screen dry immediately with a dry portion of the rag or with a second rag.

Step Seven
Repeat if necessary.

Step Eight
Clean the monitor frame with the same product or with another product suitable for cleaning plastic.

Tips & Warnings

* Typical glass cleaning products will leave streaks. Paper towels might leave dust.
* Ignore advice to use anti-static sheets used to soften laundry, as they'll scratch the monitor.
* Do not use any type of abrasive pad, cleanser or alcohol-based product.
* Laptop displays, unlike desktop monitors, are not made of glass. Laptop screens are easily damaged and costly to replace. Follow the manual's instructions, which vary depending on the type of display. Dell laptop displays can be cleaned by using a very soft cloth just slightly dampened with water.

Overall Things You'll Need

* Soft Rags
* Endust For Electronics
* Eyeglass Cleaner

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